Update on publication of GMP data at venue level
13 July 2022
You will be aware that late last year the Department consulted on the release of GMP data at venue level. Clubs New Zealand provided a submission in opposition of the release of venue level GMP data, as we believe that doing so is a serious health and safety issue that increases the risk of armed robbery, and places employees lives at risk.
The Department of Internal Affairs have provided an update on the consultation on the publication of GMP data at venue level.
Throughout the three-week Consultation period the department received 38 submissions: 74% of these submissions opposed to the proposal for a limited proactive release of the data and, 26% were in support.
The Departments intention is to continue with the release of venue level GMP data. This data will be secured and only made available to permitted users bound by a non-disclosure agreement or a robust terms of use. This measure addresses the main concern raised in the submissions regarding the release of venue level data.
The data will be released through the gambling portal which is currently being developed. It will utilise a core Te Tari Taiwhenua Internal Affairs system to provide access to GMP data at venue level for permitted users. The portal will streamline the process for user authentication and terms of use for venue level GMP data. This is an additional measure to managing the release of data. Only those who have legitimate needs for GMP data will have access to it.
Development of this solution will take time, and getting it right is important- the Department are aiming to have a solution ready in late 2023.