Gambling Compliance Package
The ClubSmart Gambling Compliance Package was developed by Clubs New Zealand to support members meet their gambling compliance and harm minimisation responsibilities under the Gambling Harm Prevention and Minimisation Regulations.
Clubs New Zealand has worked collaboratively with legal experts and the Department of Internal Affairs to develop the package which features problem gambling awareness training, annual onsite compliance assessments along with a suite of resources and tools.
The ClubSmart Gambling Compliance Package is our commitment to ensuring a consistent and compliant approach to harm minimisation and Class 4 Gaming across the club industry.
Problem Gambling Awareness Training
The Gambling (Harm Prevention and Minimisation) Amendment Regulations 2023 introduce new requirements for Problem Gambling Awareness Training;
- From 1 September, 2023 you must have at least one trained employee at all times gambling is available. Employees that have already completed training (“old training”) and are already supervising gambling can continue to do so. All new employees must complete the updated training before they start supervising gambling.
- From 1 December 2023 all staff who supervise gambling must complete the updated training annually.
Clubs New Zealand has developed its Problem Gambling Awareness Training to ensure that our members are compliant with the Gambling Act 2023 and Harm Prevention and Minimisation Regulations.
Clubs participating in the ClubSmart Gambling Compliance Package receive unlimited staff attendance at scheduled Problem Gambling Awareness Training.
Find out more about Problem Gambling Awareness Training here.
Annual Compliance Checks
To give you peace of mind we will complete an annual on site compliance assessment covering all areas of your gaming operation.
We will provide each club with a detailed report identifying any areas that may need attention, along with recommendations.
Clubs New Zealand Gaming Compliance Folders
The Clubs New Zealand Gaming Compliance Manual is your everyday ‘go to’ guide to assist with gaming compliance and includes resources such as:
- Harm minimisation incident and intervention forms
- Harm minimisation information pack and problem gambling letter
- Venue harm minimisation policy
- Jackpot user manual
- Password policy
- Training records
- Training notes
- Unpaid prizes
- Gambling equipment fault
- Player dispute
- Game rules
The completed gaming forms folder as the name suggests will be where you store all your completed gaming forms and will be where your completed records are held.
Replenish your gaming folders
Most resources and tools within the gaming folders can be downloaded from the Clubs New Zealand Resource Room so that you can replenish them when required.
Download tools to replenish your gaming folders here
Resources and Templates
Clubs New Zealand has a suite of additional resources, templates, posters, and brochures which are available to download or you can request copies by emailing
These resources and templates include:
- A standard sweep form for recording sweeps.
- A revised Harm Minimisation Policy Template.
- New and updated guidance.
- Suggested comms for clubs to provide to members.
- Posters and Point of Sale Signage.
Gaming Help and Support
Need help? We are here to help. Clubs New Zealand is available to assist with gaming compliance, licence renewals and more.
Give the team at National Office a call on 0800 425 827.